Hi, I am MauriceI am a full stack developer from Alkmaar, The Netherlands. I specialise in building custom digital solutions like websites, apps, e-commerce platforms, or anything else you can imagine.
PHPPHP is a programming language that is used a lot in web-development. It can have a bad reputation depending on who you talk to, but that's not deserved at all. Development on the language in the last years has made it a highly flexible and fast language that is rock-solid in my opinion.
Next.jsNext.js is a framework that simplifies the process of creating highly performant React apps. This website was made with Next.js!
TypescriptJavascript, but with types. In my opinion this is a must-have when dealing with more complex applications.
TailwindTailwind is a utility-first css farmework. With tailwind I can easiliy create custom designs without having to write custom CSS.